Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday stuff

Another busy day at work and practice tonight. Concert on Saturday.

Location:Okemos Rd,,United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

IPhone 4s remove jailbreak

Boss wants my work phone back to stock. Said jail breaking is illegal, which it is not - google jail breaking iPhone legal.

And against corp cellphone policy, which it isn't mentioned in the policy and there is no official policy.

Anyways, Bosses boss doesn't like it so it's back to stock.
I will miss sbsettings.

-Posted from my IPhone 4S

Monday, January 23, 2012

iPhone 4S Jail break

Yeah for the iOS dream team as they have released the IPhone 4s jailbreak.

My iPhone 4s us now sporting cydia and SBsettings.

Just google 4s jailbreak.

-Posted from my IPhone 4S

Friday, January 13, 2012

Xoom ICS

Running the latest Team EOS nightly for my Xoom. I'm loving ICS as it adds a big speed boost.
It's very stable also.

-Posted from my IPhone 4S

Location:Okemos Rd,,United States


The second snow for this winter. Only a couple of inches but that's all it takes to confuse and confound most drivers here.

-Posted from my IPhone 4S

Location:Okemos Rd,,United States

Friday, January 6, 2012

Microsoft smart play

Who should Microsoft buy ? Not nokia. The smart play is for Microsoft to buy RIM and transition blackberry is to windows phone 7/8. This would give Microsoft a big push into enterprise phones and also, RIM has a huge user base ready to move to IPhones. The only way to compete is an end run to buy RIM. -Posted from my IPhone 4S

Location:Okemos Rd,,United States