Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BYOD 5 Commandments

The 5 commandments of Bring Your Own Device.

1. Issue an approved Tablet and Phone to every employe.
- The only way to standardize on one platform and reduce your support, Audit and training costs is to standardize on one platform. Today e options are Apples IOS or Microsofts Windows 8, or Googles Android. I'd recommend Apples IPAD and IPhone as their build quality and security are a much higher level than Android or Windows Phone.

2. Monitor Devices.
- security requires centralized monitoring, alerting and management. Invest in a mobile device management solution with a proven track record.

3. Audit Devices.
- audit regularly to ensure the security profile of the devices is maintained and patching is effective.

4. Update
- ensure devices are bing patched and over time, perhaps every 2 or three years, the devices will will need to be replaced / updated with newer, faster and more productive devices

5. Relax.
Employees are not enherently evil or criminally inclined. Allor employees a few minutes each hour to check personal email and blow off som steam. If managers walk but, don't expect mployees to b buried in work for the full tidiness the office. Expecting this will result in micromanagement impacts, like employees becoming paranoid, timekeeping taking precedence over productivity, and employee morale spiraling into the gutter. This can in turn lead to employees leaving and the dreaded brain drain.

Disclaimer: The views xpressed in his article are those of the author, and not his employer, management or fellow worker bees.

S. Russell Dyer. BS CNE CISSP CRISC Security+
Mobile Device Guru, Security Analyst and Slave to all things Tech.

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